Free Kindergarten Understanding Assumptions, Values, And Power Structures Lesson Plan (Social Studies)

Topic: Understanding assumptions, values, and power structures

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and name assumptions, values, and power structures in things that are familiar, such as stories, commercials, or movies.
  • Students will be able to critically analyze and evaluate hidden assumptions, values, and power structures in things that are familiar.


  • Examples of things that may contain hidden assumptions, values, or power structures (e.g. stories, commercials, movies)
  • Writing materials (pen and paper)


  • Share a few examples of things that may contain hidden assumptions, values, or power structures (e.g. stories, commercials, movies) and ask students to think about what these things might be based on.
  • Write down a few examples on the board and ask students to share their guesses.
  • Encourage students to share their reasoning and how they came to their conclusions.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of hidden assumptions, values, or power structures, and provide some examples (e.g. "Hidden assumptions are things that are taken for granted and not always obvious. They can be based on beliefs or opinions that are not always obvious or acknowledged.").
  • Explain that it is important to be able to identify these things because they can influence how we think and behave, and can sometimes lead to unfair or unequal outcomes.
  • Provide additional examples of hidden assumptions, values, or power structures and ask students to identify them.
  • Encourage students to share their reasoning and how they came to their conclusions.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a hidden assumption, value, or power structure question card set and have them work in pairs or small groups to identify and explain the hidden assumptions, values, or power structures in the items.
  • As a class, discuss and review the examples and the reasoning behind the assumptions, values, or power structures identified.

Independent Practice

  • In a group project, have students choose an item or situation that is familiar to them and identify and explain the hidden assumptions, values, or power structures in the item or situation.
  • Students can present their projects to the class and explain their reasoning and the hidden assumptions, values, or power structures they identified.


  • Review the concept of hidden assumptions, values, or power structures and their importance in understanding and analyzing concepts, issues, and ideas.
  • Ask students to reflect on the activities they completed and discuss any new insights they gained about hidden assumptions, values, or power structures.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and make notes on their participation and understanding of the concept.
  • Have students submit their completed independent practice for review and assessment.
  • Use the class discussion and participation during the guided practice as a formative assessment of students' understanding of the concept.

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