Kindergarten Service Clients Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Service clients

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Determine the needs of clients and provide them with the appropriate service.


  • A variety of products (such as books, snacks, toys, etc.)
  • A list of examples of service activities (such as listening, playing, reading, etc.)
  • Flashcards with words related to service (such as "listening," "playing," "reading," etc.)


  • Ask the children to share examples of service they have provided or have seen others provide.
  • Ask the children to brainstorm a list of words related to service.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the children that service is when we help others or do something for them without expecting anything in return.
  • Ask the children to think of different ways that they can service their clients, such as helping them with their chores, assisting them with their needs, or being kind to them.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and give each group a set of service toys or objects (such as a toy broom and dustpan, a toy roll of toilet paper, or a toy first aid kit).
  • Have the children use the service toys or objects to help their clients by pretending to service them. Encourage the children to use their imagination and think of creative ways to serve their clients.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each child with a set of service toys or objects (such as a toy broom and dustpan, a toy roll of toilet paper, or a toy first aid kit).
  • Ask the children to use the service toys or objects to help each other by pretending to service each other. Encourage the children to use their imagination and think of creative ways to serve each other.


  • Ask the children to share any new ideas about how to service clients that they came up with during the activity.
  • Review the importance of being able to service clients in various professions and how it can help make people's lives easier.


  • Observe the children during the independent practice activity to see if they are able to list at least 3 ways of serving clients in their own profession.
  • Have the children demonstrate how they can service clients in their own professions.

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