Kindergarten Therapeutically Beautiful Mind Lesson Plan (Social Emotional Learning)

Topic:Therapeutically Beautiful Mind

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To help little minds become therapeutically beautiful by instilling daily practices of mental wellness such as mindfulness, gratitude, and more.
  • To give children tools to deal with daily challenges and stress so they can feel happier and more confident.


  • Handouts with exercises and activities for mindfulness, gratitude, and self-compassion
  • Unstructured time for the children to practice their new skills


  • Review the basics of mindfulness, gratitude, and self-compassion.
  • Have a discussion about the importance of mental wellness and how it can help us deal with challenges in life.
  • Ask the children to think of a time when they felt stressed or overwhelmed, and have them share how they dealt with it.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of mindfulness, and explain that it means being present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
  • Demonstrate basic mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, mindful eating, and mindful walking.
  • Explain the importance of gratitude, and have the children brainstorm things they are grateful for.
  • Demonstrate how to practice gratitude by saying thank you and thinking about why we are grateful for something.
  • Introduce self-compassion, and explain that it means treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding as we would treat a friend or loved one.
  • Have the children brainstorm and create their own self-compassion quotes.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the children into small groups and have them practice mindfulness and gratitude exercises together.
  • Have the children share their experiences with the class, and discuss how mindfulness and gratitude can help make us feel happier and more balanced.
  • Have the children create a gratitude altar, and have them each bring a special object that they are grateful for.
  • Have the children share their gratitude objects and why they are grateful for them with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have the children create a mindfulness collage, using pictures and words to represent different mindfulness exercises.
  • Have the children work in small groups to create a mindfulness play, where the characters in the play are practicing mindfulness and gratitude.
  • Have the children present their projects to the class, and have the class discuss the message of the projects.


  • Review the different mindfulness and gratitude exercises that were learned during the camp.
  • Have the children share one thing that they learned during the camp.
  • Have the children write down one thing that they will practice during the week to make them more therapeutically beautiful.


  • Observe the children during the mindfulness and gratitude exercises and take note of their participation and understanding of the concepts.
  • Evaluate the children's writing by looking for evidence of understanding and ability to apply the concept in their own lives.

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