Home Soap Making Experiment Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Students

Topic: Home Soap Making Experiment

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the basics of soap making and be able to create their own soap using natural ingredients.


  • Vegetable oil (e.g. canola, olive)
  • Sodium hydroxide (also known as lye)
  • Water
  • Natural additives (e.g. essential oils, fragrance oils)
  • Metallic or plastic containers for mixing
  • Spatulas for stirring
  • Wear gloves and eye protection during the soap making process


  • Have students explore and touch various objects in the classroom that are made of different materials, such as wood, plastic, metal, and cloth. Ask them to talk about how each object feels and what it is made of.
  • Next, introduce the concept of cleaning and hygiene. Ask students if they know what a soap is and why people use it.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students a bar of soap and explain that it is a cleansing substance made from animal or vegetable fats and lye, which is a chemical that helps to bind the fats and water together.
  • Explain that there are different ways to make soap, including the cold-process and hot-process methods. Demonstrate how to make soap using each method, using either real or simulated materials (e.g. using a wooden spoon to stir simulated lye into simulated fats, or using a wooden spoon to stir real lye into real fats).
  • After demonstrating the two methods, have students try to identify the differences between them. Ask questions such as: Which method requires more time? Which method requires more heat? Which method creates the final product faster? Which method creates a final product that is more solid and durable? Which method creates a final product that is more liquid and soft?

Direct Instruction and Guided Practice

  • Using either real or simulated materials, have students follow along with the teacher's demonstration to make a small batch of soap using the cold-process method.
  • As students work, circulate through the room to provide guidance and support as needed. Encourage careful and precise measuring and stirring, and provide guidance if students are having difficulty understanding or following the instructions.

Independent Practice

  • Assign students the task of making a small batch of soap using the cold-process method on their own, either in pairs or individually.
  • Encourage students to pay close attention to the instructions and to take their time and be careful as they measure and stir the soap mixture.


  • As a class, review the steps for making cold-process soap and discuss any challenges or successes students experienced during the project.
  • Ask students to share their finished soaps with the class and discuss the colors and textures of the different soaps.


  • Observe students during the soap-making process and provide feedback on their understanding of the steps and safety procedures.
  • Collect and review the completed soaps to assess students' understanding of the directions and their ability to follow safety precautions during the process.

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