Kindergarten Phonemes Lesson Plan Example (Reading)

blah...can you say "blah" correctly?


Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will be able to correctly pronounce the phoneme /blah/.
  • Children will be able to identity the phoneme /blah/ in spoken words.


  • Flashcards with the phoneme /blah/ on one side and different words that contain the phoneme /blah/ on the other side (e.g. "cat," "dog," "ball," "banana," etc.)
  • Pen or marker for each child


  • Have the children sit in a circle.
  • Show the children a flashcard with the phoneme /blah/ on one side and a word that contains the phoneme /blah/ on the other side (e.g. "cat," "dog," "ball," "banana," etc.).
  • Ask the children to say the word, then have them turn to the person next to them and have them say the word, then have them turn to the person on the other side and have them say the word, etc. until everyone has had a chance to say the word.
  • Have the children take turns calling out different words that contain the phoneme /blah/.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the phoneme /blah/ and show the children a flashcard with the phoneme /blah/ on it.
  • Have the children say the phoneme /blah/ out loud.
  • Have the children say the phoneme /blah/ in words that contain the phoneme /blah/ (e.g. "cat," "ball," "banana," etc.).
  • Have the children repeat the phoneme /blah/ several times.

Guided Practice

  • Have the children work in pairs and take turns saying the phoneme /blah/ out loud to their partner.
  • Have the children say the phoneme /blah/ in words that contain the phoneme /blah/ and have their partner say the words back to them.

Independent Practice

  • Have the children think of words that contain the phoneme /blah/ and write them down.
  • Have the children find the phoneme /blah/ in their words and circle it.


  • Have the children share their words with the class.
  • Review the phoneme /blah/ and its sound.


  • Observe the children during independent practice to see if they are able to accurately represent the phoneme /blah/ in their words.
  • Collect and review the written words produced during independent practice to assess the children's understanding of the phoneme /blah/.

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