Kindergarten Hand Skill Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Hand Skill

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate the proper technique for catching and throwing a ball, as well as dribbling a ball.


  • Balls (one regular size, one mini-size)
  • A pair of gloves (optional)


  • Have the students do some light stretches to get their bodies moving and their muscles loose.
  • Have them practice throwing and catching the regular-size ball, with the goal of being able to throw it straight and catch it without dropping it.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the small ball and explain that it is easier to catch and throw than the regular-size one.
  • Show the students how to hold the small ball in their hands and throw it. Demonstrate proper throwing technique, such as using the fingers to grip the ball and using the wrist to throw it.
  • Show the students how to catch the small ball and how to use their hands to stop it from hitting the ground. Demonstrate proper catching technique, such as using the fingers to catch the ball and using the palm to stop it from hitting the ground.
  • Explain that the small ball is easier to dribble than the regular-size one. Demonstrate the proper way to dribble the small ball, such as using the fingers to grip it and using the wrists to push it forward.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students sit in a row on the floor.
  • Give each student a small ball and have them sit with their feet flat on the floor and their knees bent.
  • Demonstrate how to hold the small ball in their hands and throw it. Have the students imitate you and repeat the movement several times.
  • Demonstrate how to catch the small ball and how to stop it from hitting the ground. Have the students imitate you and repeat the movement several times.
  • Demonstrate how to dribble the small ball. Have the students imitate you and repeat the movement several times.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students stand in a row on the floor.
  • Give each student a small ball and have them sit with their feet flat on the floor and their knees bent.
  • Have the students throw and catch the small ball with each other, paying attention to proper hand-eye coordination and technique.
  • Have the students dribble the small ball back and forth between each other, paying attention to proper hand-eye coordination and technique.


  • Review the objectives and have the students demonstrate their mastery of the objectives by demonstrating proper hand-eye coordination and technique while throwing and catching a small ball, and while dribbling a small ball.
  • Have the students share their favorite part of the lesson and why.


  • Observe the students as they work on the independent practice task and provide feedback to assess their understanding of the proper hand-eye coordination and technique while throwing and catching a small ball, and while dribbling a small ball.

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