Kindergarten Move And Play To A Steady Beat Lesson Plan

Topic: Move and play to a steady beat

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will be able to move their bodies in a controlled and balanced way to a steady beat.
  • Children will be able to identify and create different types of beats.


  • Hand-held drums or other percussion instruments
  • Song sheets with examples of different types of beats (e.g. slow vs. fast, loud vs. soft)


  • Have children stretch their bodies by reaching their arms up high and bending down low.
  • Next, have children move their bodies in a controlled way to a slow and steady beat. Have them clap their hands or snap their fingers to the beat.
  • Finally, have children move their bodies in a controlled way to a fast and steady beat. Have them clap their hands or snap their fingers to the beat.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a steady beat by demonstrating how to clap or snap to a slow and steady beat.
  • Ask children to listen to the beat and try to keep their bodies in sync with the beat.
  • Next, introduce the concept of a fast beat by demonstrating how to clap or snap to a fast and steady beat.
  • Ask children to listen to the beat and try to keep their bodies in sync with the beat.
  • Explain that musicians use beats to help them play music.

Guided Practice

  • Give each child a simple instrument or a pair of household objects that can be used as percussion instruments (e.g. maracas, wooden sticks).
  • Have children follow the lead of the teacher as she demonstrates how to play a simple rhythm on their chosen instrument or percussion instrument.
  • Encourage children to move their bodies and play their instruments in sync with the beat.

Independent Practice

  • Have children choose a song they know and like, or create a simple melody using their chosen instrument or percussion instrument.
  • Have children create a simple dance to go along with their song or melody.
  • Encourage children to perform their song and dance for the class.


  • Review the main concepts of rhythm and tempo with the children.
  • Ask children to share any new ideas or understanding they gained about rhythm and tempo during the lesson.


  • Observe children during the guided and independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the concepts.
  • Collect and review the children's completed worksheets to assess their ability to describe and demonstrate rhythm and tempo.
  • Observe and listen to the children during the small and large group presentations to assess their ability to perform and present using rhythm and tempo.

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