Free Kindergarten First Lesson Lesson Plan

Topic: Music

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand what music is and how it is made.


  • Small percussion instruments such as drums, cymbals, tambourines, triangles, etc.
  • Simple vocal melodies
  • Flashcards with simple words and images related to music (e.g. drum, cymbal, tambourine, triangle, singing, etc.)


  • Have students stretch and move their bodies to get ready to learn.
  • Ask students to name some things they see around them that make sounds, such as cars, animals, the wind, etc.
  • Play simple percussion instruments and have students clap along to the rhythm.


  • Introduce the concept of music and explain that it is a way of making sound that has a pattern or rhythm.
  • Show the students the rhythm sticks or other simple percussion instruments, and demonstrate how to play a simple rhythm pattern, such as [1-2-3-4].
  • Ask the students to imitate the rhythm pattern with their hands or by tapping their feet on the floor.

Guided Practice

  • Demonstrate a more complex rhythm pattern, such as [1-2-3-4-5-6-7].
  • Have the students imitate the rhythm pattern, first with the rhythm sticks, and then without.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students create their own rhythm patterns from scratch, using the basic patterns learned in the lesson.
  • Have the students create a short song or chant using their created rhythm patterns.Closure
  • Have the students create a class song or chant, using the rhythm patterns learned in the lesson.
  • Have the students perform their class song or chant for the class.

Objective: To understand what music is, learning simple rhythm and playing some simple game using rhythm.


  • Warm-up: - simple warm-up - body movement, singing a song, clapping the hands, shaking the legs, etc.
  • Rhythm: - introducing rhythm (short and long) - showing how to play the drum using 2 basic rhythm(short and long) - playing the drum with others.
  • Musical game: - Playing a simple game combining the 2 basic rhythm (ex. bata bata bata long long….)
  • Closer: - discussing and reflecting the lesson - asking questions about what we learned today
  • Singing a song

Evaluation: Observe the student and check if the student is able to play the drum with basic rhythm.

Observe the student and check if the student is able to identify the rhythm.

Observe the student and check if the student is able to play a simple game combining the 2 basic rhythm.

Observe the student and check if the student is able to explain and define music.

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