Kindergarten Writing Numbers Lesson Plan Example (Math)

Topic: Stating Number Names for Kindergarten

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to state the names of numbers up to 10.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Number cards from 1-10 (can be real cards or virtual cards on a device)


  • Review the names of the numbers from 1-5, asking the students to say the number name out loud before showing them the card. For example, show a card with the number 3 on it and ask, " What is this? " and wait for the student to respond "three." Then, show a card with the number 5 on it and ask, " What is this? " and wait for the student to respond "five."
  • Repeat this with numbers 6-10.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of stating number names by showing the numbers 1-10 on cards and having the students say the number name out loud before showing them the card.
  • Practice this activity a few times to make sure the students understand the concept.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of number cards.
  • Have the students take turns picking a card and saying the number name out loud.
  • Encourage the students to help each other if they are having trouble saying the number name.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a set of number cards and have them go around the room presenting their cards to the class one at a time.
  • As the students present their cards, have the class say the number names out loud.
  • Encourage the students to help each other if they are having trouble saying the number name.


  • Review the concept of number names and ask the students to show one-to-one correspondence by placing a number card on top of the corresponding number cube.
  • Encourage the students to say the number names as they place the cards on top of the cubes.


  • Observe the students as they work in pairs to place the cards on top of the cubes.
  • Review the students' independent skits and performances to assess their understanding of number names.

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