Kindergarten One To One Correspondence Lesson Plan Example (Math)

Topic: One to one correspondence

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this activity, pre-schoolers will be able to match one object with one corresponding picture.


  • Large picture cards showing various objects (e.g. cat, dog, ball, pencil)
  • Small objects representing each of the picture cards


  • Show the pre-schoolers the small objects and ask them to identify which object each one represents.
  • Encourage the pre-schoolers to use verbal cues such as "this is a cat, because it looks like the cat picture" to identify the objects.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of one to one correspondence, which means that there is one small object for each large object.
  • Show the pre-schoolers how to match each small object with its corresponding large object.
  • Repeat the activity several times, encouraging the pre-schoolers to use verbal cues such as "this is a cat, because it looks like the cat picture" to identify the objects.

Guided Practice

  • Give the pre-schoolers a small set of objects and have them work with a partner to match the objects.
  • Encourage the pre-schoolers to use verbal cues to identify the objects.

Independent Practice

  • Give the pre-schoolers a larger set of objects and have them work on their own to match the objects.
  • Encourage the pre-schoolers to use verbal cues and physical gestures (e.g. pointing) to identify the objects.


  • Have the pre-schoolers share what they have learned about one to one correspondence by having them point to and name each object in turn.
  • Ask the pre-schoolers to share what they enjoyed about the activity and remind them that they can continue to practice one to one correspondence at home.


  • Observe the pre-schoolers as they complete the one to one correspondence activity and provide feedback on their ability to identify and name each object.
  • Have the pre-schoolers complete a one to one correspondence worksheet where they identify and name each object in turn.

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