Kindergarten Arrange Three Numbers From Least To Greatest/ Greatest To Least Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Arranging Three Numbers From Least to Greatest

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to arrange three numbers from least to greatest.


  • Three numbers cards (one with a single digit, one with two digits, and one with three digits)
  • Space board or whiteboard and markers


  • Review the concept of "greatest" and "least" by having students identify the greatest and least number of a small set of numbers. For example, "Which number is the greatest? Number 1 or Number 2?"

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of arranging numbers from least to greatest/ greatest to least.
  • Demonstrate how to arrange the numbers using a visual model, such as a number line or a set of blocks.
  • Have the students watch and imitate your actions, or have them practice arranging the numbers on their own.

Guided Practice

  • After demonstrating how to arrange the numbers, provide the students with a set of three numbers and have them arrange them from least to greatest/ greatest to least.
  • As the students work, circulate the room and provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have the students create their own sets of three numbers and arrange them from least to greatest/ greatest to least.
  • Provide paper and pens for the students to use.


  • Review the concept of arranging numbers from least to greatest/ greatest to least with the students.
  • Ask the students to share their completed work with the class.


  • Observe the students as they work to identify and arrange the numbers from least to greatest/ greatest to least.
  • Collect the students' work and check for accuracy and understanding of the concept.

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