Kindergarten Meet And Greet In Spanish Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Meet and Greet in Spanish

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this activity, students will be able to introduce themselves and greet others in Spanish.


  • Whiteboard or wall for writing
  • Markers or chalk
  • Spanish words for basic greetings (such as "Hello," "Goodbye," "Thank you," and "Welcome")


  • Review the Spanish words for basic greetings with the class. Write each word on the board or wall and have students repeat it after you.
  • Ask the students to think of a friend or family member who speaks Spanish. Have them pretend that they are meeting this person for the first time. Have them introduce themselves and greet the person in Spanish.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the Spanish words for basic greetings with the class. Write each word on the board or wall and have students repeat it after you.
  • Introduce the word "hola" and explain that it means "hello" in Spanish. Have students repeat the word after you.
  • Introduce the word "cómo estás" and explain that it means "how are you" in Spanish. Have students repeat the word after you.
  • Have students practice saying "hola" and "cómo estás" to each other. Encourage them to use a friendly tone and make eye contact when greeting someone.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a set of index cards with Spanish words written on them.
  • Have each group choose a leader to begin. The leader will say a word from the index card and have the group guess what it means.
  • Continue until all the words on the index cards have been covered.

Independent Practice

  • Have each student draw a picture of themselves.
  • Label the picture with the student's name in Spanish.
  • Have the students present their pictures to the class and say their names in Spanish.


  • Review the words for greetings and names.
  • Ask the students to come up with their own ways to say hello and introduce themselves in Spanish.
  • Encourage the students to practice these words with their parents and friends.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and look for understanding of the words for greetings and names.
  • Have the students turn in their written practice of greetings and names in Spanish.

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