Week Days Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Students

Topic: Week Days

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and name all days of the week.


  • Images of different everyday objects (e.g., a cat, a book, a TV, a toothbrush, etc.)
  • Each object will be paired with a different day of the week (Mondays = cat, Tuesdays = book, etc.).
  • Whiteboard and markers


  • Ask students if they know what day it is today.
  • Have them raise their hand if they know the correct answer.
  • Ask a few "teacher-lead" questions, such as "What day is it on Saturday? What about on Sunday?
  • After a few questions, allow students to "call out" their answers.

Direct Instruction

  • Print the days of the week on pieces of paper and have students arrange them in order on the floor or table.
  • Explain that these are the seven days of the week and that they have a special order that we must remember.
  • Ask students to repeat the order of the days of the week after you.

Guided Practice

  • Using the pictures, have students identify the days of the week and place the corresponding pictures in the correct order on the table or floor.
  • As a class, discuss why the days of the week must be in the correct order.
  • Ask students to share any strategies they use to remember the order of the days of the week.

Independent Practice

  • Divide students into groups and give each group a copy of the Days of the Week Chart.
  • Have students use the pictures to fill in the correct information for each day of the week.
  • Encourage students to use their strategies to remember the order of the days of the week.


  • Review the days of the week and their order with the class.
  • Ask students to share any strategies they used to remember the days of the week.
  • Remind students that it is important to know the days of the week in order to plan activities and events.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their ability to name and order the days of the week.
  • Collect and review the student-created posters and craft projects to assess their understanding of the days of the week.

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