Spelling Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Students

Topic: Spelling: Final Consonants

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and correctly write the final consonants of one- and two-syllable words.


  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • List of one- and two-syllable words with final consonants (e.g., cat, dog, hat, rat, etc.)


  • Have students close their eyes and listen as you read a list of words with final consonants aloud.
  • After you have read the list, have students open their eyes and try to recall as many words as they can.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of spelling to the students. Explain that words are made up of letters, and that we use these letters to write down what we want to say.
  • Show the students the list of words with final consonants that they recalled during the warm-up activity. Have them say the words out loud as a class, while pointing to the letters that make up each word.
  • Encourage the students to pay attention to the letters that make up each word, and to try to remember the order in which they appear.

Guided Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a pencil.
  • Have the students scan the list of words with final consonants, and circle any words that they are able to identify.
  • Have the students write down the words they circled, along with the letters that make up each word.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students take turns coming to the front of the class and reading one of the words they circled.
  • Have the students who are sitting in the front row try to guess the word being read.


  • Review the words that the students learned today and have them point to the words on the chart as they are named.
  • Ask the students to tell you one thing they learned about spelling today.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to see if they are able to spell the words correctly.
  • Collect the students' written work and assess their ability to spell the words correctly.

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