Letter E Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Students

Topic: Let's learn abc and letter e

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the sound of letter e and its name
  • To be able to identify the letter e in different words
  • To be able to write the letter e correctly


  • Blank paper and pen or pencil
  • Examples of words with the letter e (can be written or spoken)


  • Introduce the topic by asking the children if they know what the letters of the alphabet are.
  • Ask them to name the letters they know and to give a example of a word with each letter.
  • Identify the letter e and explain that it is called "eh".

Direct Instruction

  • Demonstrate how to say the sound of the letter e by tapping your tongue against the top of your mouth.
  • Show the children how to hold their pencil or crayon and how to make the letter e on paper.
  • Praise the children for doing a good job and encourage them to keep practicing.

Guided Practice

  • Have the children practice writing the letter e on their own while you walk around to offer help and guidance.
  • Encourage the children to say the sound of the letter e as they write.
  • Praise the children for doing a good job and encourage them to keep practicing.

Independent Practice

  • Give each child a piece of paper and a pen or marker.
  • Ask the children to write their name or a word starting with the letter e.
  • Encourage the children to say the sound of the letter e as they write.
  • Praise the children for doing a good job and allow them to continue writing for a few more minutes.


  • Ask the children to share their drawings and words with the class.
  • Ask the children to point to the letter e on their drawings and say the sound.
  • Again, praise the children for doing a good job and ask them to share any questions or comments they may have.


  • Observe the children during the independent practice activity to see if they are able to accurately draw and write the letter e.
  • Listen to the children during the closure to see if they are able to accurately say the letter e sound and point to the letter e on their drawings.

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