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My art activity for pests
Students will learn how colors can be used to expresss emotion through origami color wheels. students will also learn how to create 6 different origami pieces and attacht thme on a paper or plastic plate with glue.before glueing them on the plate students will participate in an activty where the teacher would pic one of the orami peices and they would give an example: if its the red paper the teacher would role play an angry face. Once they are doen they will write name on back of plate. the 6 different colors of origame paper and what emotion they equal are Red = Anger, Yellow = surprised, purple = distgusted, blue = sad, green = happy, orange = afraid.
Students create artwork inspired by "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds
Lesson about the color black, creating the color black from primary colors
Art lesson teaching about contrast using crayon and watercolor
Exploring Colors: Mixing and Matching
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