Part Of Speech

Topic:Part of speech

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and classify parts of speech in a sentence.


  • Examples of sentences with different parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
  • Chart paper or whiteboard and markers


  • Ask the students if they know what parts of speech are.
  • Ask the students to give examples of different parts of speech.
  • Write the different parts of speech on the chart paper or whiteboard and ask the students to put them in the correct category (noun, verb, adjective, adverb).

Direct Instruction

  • Review the parts of speech with the students using the chart paper or whiteboard.
  • Explain the function of each part of speech in a sentence (nouns name a person, place, or thing; verbs show action or expresses a state of being; adjectives describe a noun or pronoun; adverbs modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb).
  • Ask the students to give examples of each part of speech in a sentence.

Guided Practice:

  • Give each student a set of sentence strips with examples of different parts of speech written on them.
  • Have the students work in pairs to identify the parts of speech in each sentence.
  • Have the students share their answers with the class and explain their reasoning.

Independent Practice:

  • Give each student a blank set of sentence strips and a list of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
  • Have the students create their own sentences using the nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and use the sentence strips to illustrate their sentences.
  • Have the students share their sentences with the class and explain their choices.


  • Review the definitions of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs and the different ways they can be used in a sentence.
  • Ask the students to share anything they learned or found interesting about part of speech in today's lesson.


  • Evaluate the students' participation in the group activity, their ability to identify and use different parts of speech in sentences, and their understanding of the definitions of the different parts of speech.
  • Collect the students' written answers to the guided practice activity and use them to assess their understanding of the definitions of the parts of speech.

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