Different Types Of Government


    1. Students will be able to define and identify different types of government.

      2. Students will be able to analyze and compare the rights and responsibilities of citizens in different types of government.

        National Standards:

        • National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Standard: Power, Authority, and Governance
        • Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts: Speaking and Listening


        • Whiteboard and markers
        • Chart paper and markers
        • Laptops or tablets for research
        • Project-based independent practice materials (e.g. poster boards, art supplies)
        • Closure activity materials (e.g. exit tickets)


          Open-ended question: "Think about the rules and order in your household. How are decisions made and enforced? How do you think these compare to how a country is governed?"

            Direct Instruction:

              1. Introduce the different types of government (monarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, democracy).

                2. Discuss the characteristics of each type of government and give examples from history and current events.

                  3. Explain that in reality, many governments have elements of different categories, making them hard to strictly categorize.

                    4. Highlight some key rights and responsibilities of citizens in each type of government.

                      Guided Practice:

                        Active learning strategy: Jigsaw Activity

                        • Divide students into small groups, assigning each group one type of government to research.
                        • Students will research and create a brief presentation or poster to share with the class about their assigned type of government.
                        • Encourage students to compare and contrast the rights and responsibilities of citizens in different types of government.

                        Independent Practice:

                          Project-based activity: Create a Government Comparison Poster

                          • Students will work individually or in pairs to create a poster comparing and contrasting two types of government.
                          • The poster should include information on the rights and responsibilities of citizens in each type of government, as well as examples of countries that have that type of government.


                            Closure activity: Exit Ticket

                            • Ask students to write down one thing they learned about different types of government during the lesson.
                            • Collect the exit tickets as a formative assessment to gauge student understanding.


                            • Formative assessment: Observing student participation in the jigsaw activity and their understanding during the independent practice project.
                            • Summative assessment: Reviewing students' posters and exit tickets for understanding of different types of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

                            Differentiation for students with special needs:

                            • Provide visual aids and graphic organizers to support understanding.
                            • Offer additional time for completing tasks or assignments.
                            • Use peer buddies or small group activities to support social interactions and student engagement.
                            • Break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps for students who may struggle with organization or executive functioning skills.

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