Free 9th Grade Uniform Rectilinear Motion. Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic:Uniform Rectilinear Motion

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the concepts of uniform rectilinear motion and its related concepts, such as velocity and acceleration.


  • Cart with wheels
  • Rope
  • Marker
  • Paper


  • Ask students what they know about the concept of "motion."
  • Discuss the various types of motion, such as vertical motion (e.g. jumping), rotational motion (e.g. spinning), and translational motion (e.g. walking or running).
  • Ask students if they have ever ridden in a car or a bus, and ask them to describe the motion of the vehicle.
  • Introduce the concept of uniform rectilinear motion, and explain that it is a type of translational motion in which an object moves at a constant speed in a straight line.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the concept of uniform rectilinear motion and discuss its properties, including constant speed and constant direction.
  • Use the handouts to provide examples of uniform rectilinear motion, such as a car driving down the highway at a constant speed or a ball being thrown in a straight line.
  • Discuss the concept of acceleration, and explain that it is a type of change in velocity that occurs when an object's speed or direction of motion changes.
  • Use the handouts to provide examples of acceleration, such as a car speeding up or slowing down or a ball being thrown upward or downward at an increasing or decreasing rate.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to think of and provide examples of uniform rectilinear motion in the real world.
  • Have each pair share their examples with the class and discuss their reasoning for classifying the motion as uniform rectilinear.

Independent Practice

  • Have students use artificial intelligence to perform uniform rectilinear motion. To do this, they must first identify the properties of uniform rectilinear motion and then create a computer program to implement it.
  • Encourage students to be creative and think outside the box as they design their programs.


  • Have students share their programs with the class and discuss the challenges they faced and the solutions they found.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and provide feedback on their use of artificial intelligence and the effectiveness of their programs.
  • Collect and grade the programs written by students during the independent practice.

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