

    1. Students will be able to define gravity and explain its effects on everyday objects.

      2. Students will be able to conduct a simple experiment to demonstrate the concept of gravity.

        National Standards:

        • NGSS K-PS2-1: Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.
        • NGSS K-PS2-2: Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.


        • Various objects of different weights (e.g. feather, rock, toy car, ball)
        • Cardboard tube
        • String
        • Tape
        • Scissors
        • Pencils
        • Paper


          Open-ended question: "Have you ever wondered why things fall down instead of floating up into the air?"

            Direct Instruction:

              1. Define gravity as the force that pulls objects towards each other.

                2. Explain that gravity is what keeps us on the ground and controls how objects fall to the Earth.

                  3. Demonstrate gravity by dropping two objects of different weights and discussing how they fall to the ground.

                    Guided Practice:

                      Activity: Gravity Drop

                        1. Attach a string to a cardboard tube and tape it securely.

                          2. Place various objects inside the tube.

                            3. Hold the tube at an angle and ask students to predict which object will reach the bottom first when the tube is released.

                              4. Release the tube and observe which object falls the fastest due to gravity.

                                Independent Practice:

                                  Project-based activity: Gravity Art

                                    1. Provide students with paper, pencils, and objects of different weights.

                                      2. Encourage students to create artwork by dropping objects onto the paper and observing the patterns created by gravity.


                                          Closure activity: Gravity Reflection

                                            Ask students to share one thing they learned about gravity during the lesson.


                                                Observe students during the Gravity Drop and Gravity Art activities to assess their understanding of gravity and its effects on objects.

                                                  Differentiation for Students with Special Needs:

                                                    1. Provide visual aids or models for students who may have difficulty understanding abstract concepts like gravity.

                                                      2. Offer alternative ways for students to participate in the activities, such as using larger or easier to handle objects.

                                                        3. Provide additional time or support for students who may need extra assistance in conducting the experiments.

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