9th Grade Different Types Of Volcanoes And Volcanic Eruptions Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and classify different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.


  • Pictures of different types of volcanoes (e.g. stratovolcanoes, shield volcanoes, cinder cones)
  • Handouts with descriptions and information about the different types of volcanoes
  • Masking tape or adhesive labels
  • Small pieces of paper


  • Have students work in pairs to create a list of all the different types of volcanoes that they can think of.
  • After a few minutes, ask for volunteers to share their list with the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the images of different types of volcanoes and discuss their characteristics.
  • Discuss the different types of volcanic eruptions, including the different types of eruptions (e.g. effusive, explosive) and the different factors that can trigger them (e.g. magma composition, pressure release).
  • Provide examples of each type of eruption, using videos or images if possible.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a handout with examples of different types of volcanic eruptions.
  • Ask the students to discuss the different types of eruptions they see in the examples and explain why they are classified as such.
  • As a class, go over the different types of eruptions discussed by the groups and discuss why they are classified as such.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a copy of the handout "Types of Volcanic Eruptions" and ask them to identify and explain the different types of volcanic eruptions listed on the handout.


  • Review the different types of volcanic eruptions and their characteristics. Ask students to share any questions or thoughts they have about volcanic eruptions.


  • Observe students during the group activity and independent practice to assess their understanding of the different types of volcanic eruptions and their characteristics. Evaluate students' projects for their understanding of the characteristics of a particular type of volcanic eruption and their ability to present the information in an organized and visually-appealing way.

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