Free Music Of The Medieval Period Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Students


Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the characteristics of Medieval music and appreciate its cultural and historical context.


  • Audio of Medieval music (optional)
  • Handouts with information about Medieval music
  • Music stands or sheets of paper for the students to write on


  • Ask the students to close their eyes and listen to the sounds around them.
  • Ask them to identify the different sounds they hear and whether they think they are natural or human-made.
  • Write their responses on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of the music of the medieval period.
  • Discuss the cultural and historical context of the period, including the political, religious, and economic factors that influenced the music of the time.
  • Use historical sources and documents to provide examples of the various types of music that were popular during the medieval period.
  • Play examples of the different types of medieval music for the students to listen to and discuss.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to listen to and identify examples of different types of medieval music.
  • Have each group share their findings with the class and discuss the characteristics of the music they heard.
  • Use the examples to create a class chart or graphic organizer that categorizes the different types of music heard and their characteristics.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one type of music from the class chart or graphic organizer and research it further using online resources such as a -library or the internet.
  • Students should create a presentation or report on their chosen type of music, including information on its origins, characteristics, and significance in the medieval period.


  • As a class, review the main points of the lesson and discuss the significance of music in the medieval period.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about music in the medieval period and how it relates to their own lives and interests.


  • Observe students during the independent practice project to assess their understanding of the subject matter and their ability to apply it in a creative way.
  • Have students turn in their independent practice projects for grading.

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