
Topic: Geometry


    1. Students will be able to identify and solve for different types of angles in geometry.

      2. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of geometry to real-life situations.

        National Standards:

        • Common Core State Standards for Mathematics: 7.G.B.5 - Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.


        • Whiteboard and markers
        • Protractor, ruler, and compass
        • Real-life images or scenarios for application


          Ask the students the following thought-provoking open-ended question: "How can understanding angles in geometry help us in our daily lives?"

            Direct Instruction:

              Begin by defining and explaining the different types of angles (i.e. supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles) and how to identify them in a figure. Use visual aids and examples to reinforce the concepts.

                Guided Practice:

                  As an active learning strategy, have students work in pairs to measure and identify angles in different shapes using a protractor and ruler. This hands-on activity will help students practice their angle measurement skills.

                    Independent Practice:

                      For independent practice, assign students a project where they have to find real-life examples or scenarios where understanding angles in geometry is important. They can create a presentation, poster, or written report to showcase their findings.


                          For the closure activity, have students share their real-life examples with the class and discuss how geometry is used in everyday situations. This will reinforce the lesson objectives and allow students to see the practical applications of geometry.


                              Assess student understanding through their participation in guided practice, completion of the independent project, and class discussion during closure. You can also give a short quiz to test their knowledge of angle types and their applications.

                                Differentiation for students with special needs:

                                • Provide visual cues and mnemonics to help students remember different angle types.
                                • Offer additional practice and support for struggling students during guided practice.
                                • Allow students with special needs to choose a project format that best suits their learning style (e.g. verbal presentation instead of written report).

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