9th Grade Algebraic Manipulation Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Algebraic Manipulation

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to manipulate algebraic expressions to solve problems.


  • Algebraic expressions written on the board
  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Calculator for each student if needed


  • Ask students to solve the following problems, writing the algebraic expression for each solution on the board:
  • Solve x+4=9
  • Solve x-4=9
  • Solve x-4=9+x
  • Ask students if they can see a pattern in how to solve these problems.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of algebraic manipulation.
  • Explain that algebraic manipulation refers to the process of reorganizing and simplifying algebraic expressions.
  • Show examples of how to manipulate algebraic expressions, including how to combine like terms, how to factor, and how to use the distributive property.
  • Demonstrate how to use a graphing calculator to simplify algebraic expressions.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with an example of an algebraic expression and have them work in pairs to manipulate the expression using the techniques they have learned.
  • Have students share their answers with the class and discuss any difficulties they encountered.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a worksheet containing several algebraic expressions and have them work individually or in pairs to manipulate the expressions using the techniques they have learned.
  • Encourage students to check their answers with a partner or the class before completing the worksheet.


  • Once students have completed the worksheet, have them share their results with the class and explain how they manipulated the expressions.
  • Review the different techniques for algebraic manipulation and have students give examples of each.


  • To assess students' understanding of algebraic manipulation, have them complete another worksheet or a set of problems that requires them to use different techniques to solve. Alternatively, you could have students complete a quiz or test on algebraic manipulation.

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