9th Grade Algebraic Expressions Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Algebraic Expressions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand and be able to define the term "algebraic expression."
  • Be able to match a given word description with an algebraic expression.
  • Be able to create and solve their own algebraic expressions based on real-world scenarios.


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handout with word descriptions and algebraic expressions
  • Algebraic expression worksheets


  • Write the following algebraic expressions on the board:

x + y

2x − 3

Write the following questions on the board and have students work in pairs to find the answers:

  • What is the sum of the expressions on the board?
  • What is the difference between the expressions on the board?
  • What is the product of the expressions on the board?
  • What is the quotient of the expressions on the board?

Direct Instruction

  • Define the term "algebraic expression."
  • Show examples of different types of algebraic expressions, such as equations, inequalities, and functions.
  • Introduce the concept of matching expressions to word descriptions.
  • Demonstrate how to use the symbol boxes to match expressions to word descriptions.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete the algebraic expression worksheets provided.
  • Go over the answers as a class, discussing how to correctly match the expression to the word description.
  • Have students create their own algebraic expressions based on real-world scenarios, such as filling out a meal plan or creating a budget.
  • Have students match their expressions to word descriptions, and discuss any difficulties or misconceptions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually to create their own algebraic expressions based on real-world scenarios.
  • Provide appropriate resources, such as a calculator and a glossary of terms, for students to use as needed.
  • Provide individualized guidance and assistance as needed.


  • Review the main ideas of the lesson, including the concept of an algebraic expression and how to match expressions to word descriptions.
  • Have students share their algebraic expressions with the class and explain the reasoning behind their choices.


  • Observe and provide feedback during the guided practice and independent practice activities
  • Collect and review the algebraic expressions created by students during the independent practice activity
  • Administer a short quiz to assess students' understanding of the concept of an algebraic expression and their ability to match expressions to word descriptions.

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