Free 9th Grade Paleolithic And Neolithic Ages Lesson Plan (History)

Topic: Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to define and provide examples of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast the key characteristics of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.


  • Chart paper or whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with information on the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages


  • Ask students if they have ever heard of the Paleolithic or Neolithic ages before. Ask them to explain what they know about these two time periods.
  • Write the names of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages on the chart paper or whiteboard and post several questions about them next to the names. For example, "What was the climate like during the Paleolithic age?" or "What caused the shift from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic age?"

Direct Instruction

  • Use the textbook or other resource materials to give a brief overview of the characteristics of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.
  • Emphasize the key differences between the two ages, such as the types of tools and technology used, the types of food sources available, and the types of housing and shelter used.
  • Use the handouts and worksheets to give more detail about the characteristics of each age.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to research one specific characteristic or tool from each age.
  • Have each group present their findings to the class, discussing the purpose and functionality of the tool.
  • Encourage students to think about how the characteristics and tools of each age helped humans survive and thrive in their environment.
  • Supplemental Instruction
  • Using the class discussion and presentations as a starting point, have students write a short essay or create a visual presentation describing the key characteristics and tools of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students choose one of the key characteristics or tools from the Paleolithic or Neolithic ages and create a project that demonstrates their understanding of its purpose and functionality. This could be a presentation, written essay, or model/sculpture of a tool.


  • To wrap up the lesson, have students share their projects with the class and discuss the key characteristics and functions of the chosen tool or characteristic.


  • Observation: Observe students during the group activity and independent practice to assess their understanding of the key characteristics and functions of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.
  • Written reflection: Have students write a short reflection on what they learned about the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages and what they found most -and least- interesting about the topics.

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