Write A Lesson Plan About 'Own Language' Poem.

Topic:Write a lesson plan about 'Own language' poem

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the importance of own language in our life
  • To learn how to teach 'Own language' poem through a warm up activity and a teaching method


  • Copies of 'Own language' poem for each student
  • Pencils and paper for warm up activity
  • Whiteboard and markers for teaching method

Warm up activity

  • Ask students to think about a time when they felt proud about speaking their own language. Then, have students share their experiences with a partner.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of "own language" and explain that it refers to the language that we use to communicate with our family, friends, and community.
  • Read the poem "Own Language" and discuss its main ideas. Ask students to think about how the poem relates to the concept of "own language" and what the poem is trying to say about the importance of using our own language.
  • Introduce the teaching method that will be used throughout the lesson. For example, if you plan to use a PowerPoint presentation, explain how this will be used to present the poem and its translation into the students' own language.

Guided Practice

  • Ask students to work in pairs or small groups and provide each group with a copy of the poem "Own Language."
  • Have students read the poem aloud together and discuss its meaning. Encourage them to use their own language and bring any questions or insights to the discussion.
  • Next, have students work together to translate the poem into their own language. This could be done by having each student take a turn to read a line of the poem in their own language and then having the group provide the translation.
  • Finally, have students share their translations with the class and discuss how the meaning of the poem is impacted by using their own language.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create their own poem about the importance of their own language in their life. For example, they could write a poem about an experience where their own language was a source of comfort or pride.
  • Have students share their poems with the class and discuss the different ways that their own language contributes to their identity and sense of belonging.


  • Review the objectives and main points of the lesson. Ask students to reflect on what they learned about the importance of their own language in their lives and how it contributes to their identity and sense of belonging.


  • Observe students during the class discussion and group activity to assess their understanding of the topic.
  • Collect and review the lesson plan written by students as a assessment of their understanding of the teaching method.
  • Administer a quiz to assess students' retention of the lesson's main points.

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