Write A Lesson Plan About 'Book Want To Say Something' Poem.

Topic:Write a lesson plan about 'Book Want to Say Something' poem.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the importance of books in our life.
  • Students will be able to use different teaching methods to create a warm up activity for the poem.


  • Copies of 'Book Want to Say Something' poem
  • Pencils and paper for the warm up activity

Warm Up Activity:

  • Ask students to think of a book that they have recently enjoyed or would like to read in the future.
  • Have them share their thoughts with a partner and discuss their favorite parts of the book.
  • After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share their discussions with the class.

Direct Instruction:

  • Introduce the poem "Book Want to Say Something" by Samual P. Phills.
  • Read the poem aloud to the class, pausing after each line to discuss its meaning.
  • Discuss the importance of reading and the various ways that books can impact our lives.

Guided Practice:

  • Divide the class into small groups.
  • Give each group a copy of the poem and ask them to reread it, focusing on a specific line or phrase.
  • Have each group share their thoughts and insights about the line or phrase with the class.
  • Discuss the various insights as a class, focusing on the meaning and impact of the line or phrase.

Independent Practice:

  • Have students choose a book that had a significant impact on their lives and write a short (2-3 paragraph) essay about it.
  • Encourage them to include specific passages from the book that had an impact on them and why they think the book is important.


  • Have students share their essays with the class.
  • Encourage a discussion about the importance of books and how they can affect us.


  • Observe students during the lesson and consider their participation in the discussions and activities.
  • Evaluate their essays for understanding of the poem and the importance of books in our life.

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