9th Grade Ways To Demonstrate Intentional Injuries Lesson Plan Example (Health)

Topic: ways to demonstrate intentional injuries

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify several ways in which intentional injuries can be demonstrated, and argue for the most effective method.


  • Sample injuries (ex: fake blood, fake cuts, fake broken bones)
  • Demonstration props or sets (ex: fake crime scene, fake crime scene investigation, fake wounds, fake props for demonstrating certain types of crimes, etc.)
  • Handouts with examples of various methods for demonstrating intentional injuries (can be provided before the lesson or distributed during the lesson)


  • Start the lesson by asking the students if they have ever seen anyone get hurt on purpose, or if they have ever hurt someone on purpose themselves.
  • Ask them to share their experiences and any related questions or concerns they have.
  • Follow-up by explaining that while intentional injuries may seem like a strange topic, they are a very real problem in the world today and can have serious consequences.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of intentional injuries and explain that it refers to any kind of harm that is done on purpose, without due care or consideration for the safety of others.
  • Discuss the causes of intentional injuries, including anger, frustration, and a desire to control or manipulate others.
  • Explain the importance of prevention, and provide some strategies for avoiding intentional injuries, such as controlling anger, managing stress, and considering the consequences of our actions.

Guided Practice

  • Provide the students with a handout or worksheet with examples of intentional injury prevention strategies.
  • Go through the examples together and discuss how each strategy can be used to prevent intentional injuries.
  • Ask the students to come up with their own personal strategies for preventing intentional injuries.
  • Encourage them to share their strategies with the class and discuss how they can be helpful.

Independent Practice

  • Ask the students to individually come up with at least three personal intentional injury prevention strategies.
  • Ask them to write down their strategies and explain how they can be effective.


  • Review the different strategies for preventing intentional injuries.
  • Ask the students to share their strategies with the class and explain how they can be effective.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their understanding of the material.
  • Evaluate the class project and presentation for understanding of the topic and ability to effectively communicate the chosen strategy.

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