What's The Time?

Topic: What's the time?

Objectives & Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to understand and use time expressions to talk about the time.


  • A clock or a watch with a second hand
  • A list of time expressions (see "Resources" below)


  • Ask students to look at the clock and tell you what time it is.
  • Ask students if they have ever been in a situation where they didn't know what time it was.
  • Ask students to share their experiences and what they did to find out the time.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of telling time.
  • Tell students that there are different ways to tell time, and that we'll be focusing on the digital clock and the 24-hour clock.
  • Demonstrate how to read the digital clock and the 24-hour clock, including how to convert between the two formats.
  • Show students how to use a clock calculator to find the time in a different time zone.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to practice reading and converting times on digital clocks and the 24-hour clock.
  • Give students a worksheet with several examples of times to convert between formats, and have them use the clock calculator to find the time in a different time zone.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity where they create a brochure or flyer about the time in their home town or city.
  • They should include a clock face or 24-hour clock graphic and all times of the day in both 12-hour and 24-hour formats.
  • Students should use the clock calculator to find the time in a different time zone and include this in the brochure or flyer.


  • Review the key points of the lesson, including the 12-hour and 24-hour formats for time, how to find the time in a different time zone using the clock calculator, and the cardinal and ordinal numbers for the hours.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about the time in the lesson.


  • Collect and grade the posters as a formative assessment, looking for understanding of the 12-hour and 24-hour formats for time and their use in writing the time.
  • Administer a quiz at a later date to assess understanding of how to find the time in a different time zone and the cardinal and ordinal numbers for the hours.

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