9th Grade Social Media Use Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Teenagers and social media

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain the benefits and risks of social media use for teenagers.


  • Laptop or desktop computer with internet access
  • Social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Presentation software (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote)


  • Ask students what social media platforms they are familiar with and which ones they use personally. Write their responses on the board.
  • Ask students what they like about social media and what they think is important to consider when using it. Write their responses on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Define social media and give examples of popular platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Discuss the benefits of social media, including how it can be a way to connect with friends and family, share information and experiences, and access information and resources.
  • Discuss the risks of social media, including cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and privacy concerns.
  • Share the handout with guidelines for safe and responsible social media use and go over each point in detail.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to come up with a list of personal rules for safe and responsible social media use.
  • Have each group present their rules to the class and discuss any similarities and differences.
  • Go over the class rules once more and have students commit to following them.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create a social media contract for themselves that outlines their personal rules for safe and responsible use and their commitment to following them.
  • Encourage students to share their contracts with their parents or guardians for approval.
  • Have students submit their contracts to the teacher for filing and/or inclusion in their academic portfolios.


  • Ask students to reflect on the importance of social media in their lives and how they can use it responsibly and safely.
  • Encourage them to share their thoughts with the class or in a written journal entry.
  • Close the lesson by reminding students that the teacher and school staff are available as resources if they have any questions or concerns about social media.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and give feedback on their use of social media.
  • Have students turn in their written journal entries for assessment.
  • Use the discussion during the guided practice activity as a formative assessment to check for understanding.

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