Sentence Structure

Topic: Sentence structure

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the parts of a complete sentence (subject, verb, predicate) and use them correctly in their own writing.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Sentence examples (written on the board or provided in writing samples)
  • Writing paper and pencils


  • Ask students if they know what a sentence is and what the different parts are. Allow them to volunteer answers.
  • Write the phrase "sentence=subject+verb+predicate" on the board. Ask students to recite the parts of a sentence one at a time, calling out the correct name as they go.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a complete sentence, explaining that it is a sentence that has all three parts: subject, verb, and predicate.
  • Demonstrate how to identify the subject, verb, and predicate in a sentence by using a sentence strip.
  • Have students work with a partner to identify the subject, verb, and predicate in a series of sentences. Have them hold up the appropriate colored card to show what each part is.

Guided Practice

  • Using the same sentence strips, have students work in pairs to create their own sentences with all three parts.
  • Have students share their completed sentences with the class and discuss any questions or challenges they had.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic of their own choice and create a series of three-part sentences about it.
  • Encourage students to be creative and use their grammar skills to demonstrate their knowledge of sentence structure.


  • Have students share their sentences with the class.
  • Ask students to explain how they used the parts of a sentence to create their sentences.
  • Review the importance of using proper structure in sentences and the impact it can have on clarifying meaning.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of proper sentence structure.
  • Collect and review the written sentences to assess their understanding of proper sentence structure.

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