Free Quantifiers Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Students

Topic: Quantifiers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and implement quantifiers in sentences.


  • Examples of sentences with quantifiers
  • Pen and paper for jotting down notes


  • Ask students if they can name any quantifiers.
  • Have them share their answers and discuss the different quantifiers they mentioned.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of quantifiers and give examples of different quantifiers.
  • Explain that quantifiers are words or phrases that indicate the amount or quantity of something.
  • Examples of quantifiers include "all," "some," "few," "many," and "most."
  • Have students work in pairs and give them some sentences with quantifiers. Ask them to identify the quantifier and then discuss how the meaning of the sentence changes depending on the quantifier used.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a handout with more sentences with quantifiers and have them work in pairs to identify and discuss the quantifier in each sentence.

Independent Practice

  • Project-based: Have students choose a subject area that they want to learn more about, such as astronomy or psychology. For each topic, have them find 5-10 different facts/statistics online and create a presentation to share with the class on the different quantifiers they found and how they can be used in a sentence.


  • Review the different quantifiers and their definitions.
  • Have students share one thing that they learned about quantifiers during the lesson.


  • Have students complete a worksheet or quiz that includes questions about quantifiers and their definitions.
  • Use the worksheet to assess students' understanding of the material covered in the lesson.

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