Processes Of Writers Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Example Students

Topic: Processes of Writers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to plan, develop, and revise a draft of an essay or email.


  • Computers with internet access
  • Writing materials (pencils, pens, paper)


  • Ask students to complete the following prompt: "Write an essay explaining how to make an apple pie."
  • After a few students have shared their essays, ask the class to come up with a list of criteria that a good essay should meet. These could include: clear topic statement, logical organization, supporting details, etc.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of drafting and revising as part of the writing process.
  • Explain that drafting involves creating a rough version of an essay, and that revising involves making improvements based on feedback and editing.
  • Walk through an example of drafting and revising using a sample essay.
  • Demonstrate how to edit complete sentences and for spelling.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to draft and revise a paragraph on a given topic.
  • Provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their drafts.
  • Encourage students to edit their work for spelling and complete sentences.

Independent Practice

  • Direct students to work independently to complete a written assignment (e.g. a research report, a letter, a -blog post).
  • Encourage students to plan, draft, develop, and revise their work, and to edit their work for spelling and complete sentences.
  • Provide guidance and assistance as needed.


  • Have students share their completed written assignments with the class.
  • Encourage feedback and collaboration among students.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their ability to write a formal email.
  • Collect and review written work to assess students' ability to write a formal email and edit their written work.

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