Free 9th Grade Processes Of Readers Lesson Plan

Topic: Processes of Readers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to generate questions about a text, make predictions about a text, make personal connections to a text, make inferences & use evidence, and interact with texts in meaningful ways.


  • Texts (one for each student)
  • Note cards
  • Pencils


  • Start by asking students to think about a book or story that they have recently read.
  • Have them share their thoughts with a partner, and then bring up some of the ideas that were mentioned in a class discussion.
  • Ask students if they can think of any other questions they might have about the book or story that they could ask the author.
  • Write these questions on the board and discuss as a class.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of making predictions about a text.
  • Explain that making predictions involves using our understanding of the text and its context to guess what might happen next.
  • Model making predictions about a text by using the text handouts and making guesses about what might happen next.
  • Discuss the importance of making personal connections to a text.
  • Explain that making personal connections involves connecting the content or themes in a text to our own lives and experiences.
  • Model making personal connections by discussing how the content or themes in the text relate to the students' lives and experiences.
  • Introduce the concept of making inferences and using evidence.
  • Explain that making inferences involves drawing conclusions based on what is stated or implied in the text.
  • Discuss the importance of using evidence to support our inferences.
  • Explain that evidence is evidence that is stated or implied in the text that can be used to support our inferences.
  • Model making inferences and using evidence by discussing the text and using evidence to support our conclusions.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different text handout.
  • Have the students work together to make predictions about what might happen next in the text.
  • Have the students work together to make personal connections to the text.
  • Have the students work together to make inferences and use evidence to support their conclusions.
  • Have the students share their predictions, personal connections, and inferences with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a different text handout and have them work independently to make predictions, personal connections, inferences, and use evidence to support their conclusions.
  • Have the students take turns reading their texts out loud and stopping to make predictions, personal connections, inferences, and use evidence to support their conclusions.


  • Have each student share one thing that they found interesting or surprising about their text and how they made personal connections or used evidence to support their conclusions.
  • Review the different strategies for making predictions, personal connections, inferences, and use of evidence and have the students give examples of each.


  • Observe the students during independent practice and take notes on which strategies they used and how successful they were in making personal connections or using evidence to support their conclusions.
  • Have the students complete a brief reflection on their experience with the guided practice and independent practice activities and how they were able to improve their use of making personal connections or using evidence in their discussions.

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