Free Present Simple Tens Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Students

Topic: How to use the present simple tense

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use the present simple tense to express general truths and habitual actions.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Examples of sentences using the present simple tense (e.g. "I go to school every day.")
  • Pencils and paper for practice


  • Ask students if they can name any countries in North America. Write the names of the countries on the board. Then, ask students if they can name any cities in the countries they named. Write the names of the cities on the board. Continue this process until all the countries and cities have been named.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that the present simple tense is used to talk about general truths or habits. It can also be used to talk about present events that are ongoing or unfinished.
  • Give examples of how to use the present simple tense, such as "I live in Seoul. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. My brother lives in Busan. Busan is a city in South Korea. My parents live in the United States. They are visiting South Korea for a month. My friends and I go to the movies every Friday. We like to watch the latest Hollywood movies."
  • Ask students to give examples of present simple tens using the given cues. For example, if you say "I go to the movies every Friday," students might say "I go to the movies every Friday" or "I go to the movies every Friday with my friends."

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of cue cards with present simple tens. For example, "I live in Seoul," "My parents live in the United States," and so on. Have students work together to create a sentence using each cue card in the present simple tense. For example, they might create the sentence "I live in Seoul. My parents live in the United States."
  • Have each group share their sentences with the class and provide feedback if necessary.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a list of present simple tens and have them create a sentence using each of the ten. For example, "I live in Seoul," "My parents live in the United States," and so on.
  • Have students practice creating a variety of sentences using present simple tens.


  • Review the present simple tens and their uses in a brief summary. Ask students to share any sentences they created during the independent practice and discuss as a group.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice to ensure they are able to create correct sentences in present simple tens. -Collect and grade the sentences written during the independent practice to assess student understanding.

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