9th Grade Prefix Lesson Plan Example

tags: prefixes,what is a prefix,what is prefix,prefixes are

Topic: Prefixes

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand what prefixes are and their purpose
  • To be able to identify and understand the meaning of common prefixes
  • To be able to use prefixes in a sentence


  • List of common prefixes (e.g. un-, re-, anti-, sub-, supra-)
  • Sentence examples (e.g. unhappy, rebuild, anti-smoking, sub-zero)
  • Writing paper and pencils/pens


  • Ask students to think of a word that starts with a certain letter (e.g. M, W, Y). Write the letters on the board. Ask students to raise their hand if they can think of a word that starts with that letter. Continue until all the letters have been used.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a prefix, explaining that it is a word element that is placed at the beginning of a word and changes the meaning or part of speech of the word. Give examples of common prefixes (e.g. "un-," "in-," "anti-," "re-"). Ask students to brainstorm a list of prefixes on the board or on paper.
  • Review the list of prefixes with the class, explaining the meaning and part of speech of each prefix.

Guided Practice

  • Give the students a sheet of paper with a list of words and have them identify if the word has a prefix and if so, what it is. For example, if the word is "undecided," they should write "un-" as the prefix.
  • Have students work in pairs or small groups and have them practice identifying prefixes in words. Have them share their work with the class, discussing any words they were unsure of or had difficulty with.

Independent Practice

  • For the independent practice activity, have students choose a word from the list and create a new word by adding a prefix to the beginning of the word. For example, if their word is "candidate," they could add the prefix "un-" to create the word "uncandidate." Have them write the word they created on a piece of paper and share it with the class to show their understanding of prefixes.


  • Review the main points of the lesson with the class, including the meaning of prefixes and how they can change the meaning of a word. Ask students to share one thing they learned about prefixes during the lesson.


  • Administer a quiz or test on prefixes to assess students' understanding of the material. The quiz or test can include multiple choice, matching, or written-answer questions. Alternatively, have students complete a worksheet or report on a specific prefix, including the meaning and example words from the lesson.

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