Passive And Active Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Students

Topic: passive and active

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to distinguish between passive and active voice and understand their appropriate use.


  • Handout with examples of passive and active voice
  • Pen or pencil for each student


  • Ask students if they have ever heard of the terms passive and active voice before. Ask them to describe what they know about these terms.
  • Display the handout with examples of passive and active voice and ask students to read through the examples and discuss their meanings.

Direct Instruction

  • Define passive voice and active voice, giving examples for each type of voice.
  • Explain the purpose of using passive voice, including why it is sometimes preferred over active voice.
  • Define the structure of passive voice, including the auxiliary verb "to be" and the past participle of the main verb.
  • Explain the purpose of using active voice, including why it is sometimes preferred over passive voice.
  • Define the structure of active voice, including the main verb and any necessary objects and modifiers.

Direct Instruction

  • Demonstrate how to correctly use passive voice and active voice by providing examples.
  • Demonstrate how to correctly use passive voice and active voice while providing step-by-step instructions for writing a sentence in each voice.
  • Provide examples of sentences written in each voice and identify which voice is used in each sentence.
  • Explain the benefits of using passive voice and active voice in written communication.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a worksheet that includes examples of sentences written in both passive voice and active voice.
  • Encourage students to identify which voice is used in each sentence and explain the benefits of using passive voice and active voice in written communication.


  • Review the main points of the lesson, including the definitions of passive voice and active voice and the importance of choosing the correct voice in writing.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about passive voice and active voice today.


  • Observe students during the group and individual presentations to see if they have understood the definitions and examples of passive voice and active voice.
  • Collect and review the sentences written by students in their independent practice activity, looking for proper use of passive voice and active voice.

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