Free 9th Grade Coraline And Archetypes Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Coraline and Archetypes

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and explain the use of archetypes in the novel Coraline.


  • Copies of the novel Coraline
  • Handout with examples of archetypes (e.g.The Hero,The Crone,The Maid,The Mother)


  • Ask students if they have heard of the term "archetype" before, and if so, what it means.
  • Discuss the concept of archetypes and how they are used in literature and storytelling.

Direct Instruction

  • Read the first few chapters of Coraline to the class and discuss the archetypes that emerge in the main characters and plot.
  • Ask students to make note of the archetypes they see and discuss their connections to the characters and plot.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to create a list of the archetypes they see in Coraline and how they relate to the characters and plot.
  • Have each group share their list with the class and discuss how the archetypes contribute to the development of the novel.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one character from Coraline that they think best represents an archetype and create a character profile using a character template.
  • Students should include examples from the novel to support their choice for the archetype and how it relates to the character's personality, motivations, and role in the plot.


  • Review the different archetypes and how they were used in the novel Coraline.
  • Ask students to share their character profiles and discuss how the use of archetypes helps to develop the characters and deepen the narrative.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of archetypes and their ability to use character profiles to analyze character development in Coraline.
  • Evaluate students' written reflections on the use of archetypes in the novel Coraline for their understanding of how archetypes help develop the characters and deepen the narrative.

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