Becoming A Profitable Freelancer


Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the essential aspects of creating a successful freelancing profile.


  • Computer with internet access
  • Examples of successful freelancing profiles (can be real or fictitious)


  • Ask students to share their experiences as freelancers. What do they enjoy about freelancing? What challenges have they faced?
  • Lead a discussion on the importance of having a professional freelancing profile. Explain that having an attractive profile can lead to more clients and higher profits.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the different types of freelancing profiles (e.g. Upwork, Fiverr,
  • Discuss the importance of creating a professional profile. This includes having a memorable and unique name, creating a professional profile picture, and writing a compelling profile description.
  • Review the steps for creating a freelancing profile. This includes creating a professional profile, finding potential clients, and negotiating fees.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to create a professional profile on one of the freelancing websites. One student will act as the creator of the profile and the other will provide feedback on the profile name, profile picture, and profile description.
  • After creating a profile, have students search for potential clients and negotiate a fee for a specific job.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a specific freelancing service to create a profile on and complete a series of jobs that you have listed. Students should track their time and bill clients for their services.


  • Ask students to reflect on their experience creating freelancing profiles and completing jobs. What challenges did they face? What tactics did they use to overcome these challenges? What insights did they gain about being a profitable freelancer?


  • Evaluate students' completed freelancing profiles based on the criteria provided in the lesson plan (e.g., professionalism, accuracy, completeness). Assess the quality of their work marketing their services and completing jobs. Evaluate their oral presentations and discussions during the lesson.

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