One Point Perpective Lesson Plan for 9th Grade Students

Topic: one point perspective

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to draw a single-point perspective drawing of a simple object using guidelines.


  • Pencils
  • Rulers
  • Eraser
  • Drawing paper
  • Pencil sharpener
  • One point perspective template (optional)


  • Ask students to draw a line on a piece of paper, without lifting the pencil or moving it sideways.
  • Ask students if they notice any curved lines in the line they drew.
  • Explain that these curved lines are called curves of perspective, and they are used in drawing to create the illusion of depth in a drawing.
  • Ask students to draw a box on a piece of paper, again without lifting the pencil or moving it sideways.
  • Ask them to draw the sides of the box as straight lines, without any curves.
  • Ask students if they notice any differences between the box they drew with curved lines and the box they drew with straight lines.
  • Explain that the box with straight lines looks more solid and realistic, because it looks like it is in three-dimensional space. This is because we generally see objects in three-dimensional space, with depth and perspective.

Direct Instruction

  • Define one point perspective and explain how it is used to create the illusion of depth in a drawing.
  • Explain that one point perspective is a type of perspective drawing where one point (the vanishing point) is used to determine the positions of all the other lines in the drawing.
  • Show examples of drawings created using one point perspective and explain how the vanishing point is used to create the illusion of depth in the drawing.
  • Explain that in order to draw in one point perspective, students need to first create a horizon line, which is the line that divides the drawing into two equal parts. This line will also be the key for determining the position of the vanishing point.
  • Next, students need to create a vertical line (called the vertical axis) that runs through the center of the drawing. This line will also be used to determine the position of the vanishing point.
  • Finally, students need to create a series of horizontal lines that are parallel to the horizon line and equidistant from each other. These lines will be used to create the shapes and objects in the drawing, and they will ultimately be the lines that vanish at the vanishing point.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups and give each group a sheet of paper and a set of markers or colored pencils.
  • Ask the students to create a drawing using one point perspective, following the steps outlined above.
  • As the students work, circulate around the room and provide assistance as needed.
  • Ask the students to share their drawings with the class and provide feedback on their technique.

Independent Practice

  • For the independent practice, have students create a project using one point perspective. This could be a drawing, a model, or some other type of project.
  • Encourage students to be creative and think outside the box.


  • Have students share their projects with the class and discuss the use of one point perspective in each.
  • Review the concepts learned in the lesson and have students give examples of items typically depicted in one point perspective.


  • Observe students during the guided practice activity to assess their understanding of -one point perspective and their ability to create a drawing of a building.
  • Collect and review the drawings created during the independent practice activity to assess students' ability to apply their understanding of one point perspective in a real-world context.

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