Free 8th Grade Us Constitution Study Lesson Plan

Topic: The creation of the us constitution

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the purpose and structure of the US Constitution.


  • Copies of the US Constitution
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Post-it notes


  • Ask students if they know what the US Constitution is and what it is for. Write their responses on the chart paper.
  • Explain that the US Constitution is the foundation of the US government. It describes the powers and responsibilities of the different branches of government and guarantees certain rights for US citizens.

Direct Instruction

  • Distribute the handouts and pencils to the students.
  • Begin by reading the pre-written script about the creation of the US Constitution. Pause after each paragraph for the students to read and understand.
  • As you read, point to the pictures and models on the desk to help students visualize the concepts being discussed.
  • Ask students if they have any questions about what they have just read. If there are no questions, proceed to the hands-on part of the lesson.

Guided Practice

  • Give each student a copy of the Constitution and have them analyze the rights and duties described within it.
  • Have the students work in small groups to create a list of the rights and duties they think should be included in a perfect constitution.
  • As a class, discuss the different rights and duties listed by the students and whether or not they make sense in a modern society.
  • If time allows, have the students create their own constitution using their list of rights and duties.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work individually or in small groups to create their own constitution.
  • Encourage the students to use their knowledge of the Constitution and the discussions from the guided practice to create a constitution that is more ideal than the one we have in place today.
  • Have the students share their constitutions with the class and discuss the differences and similarities between their constitutions and the real Constitution.


  • Review the objectives and discuss the importance of the Constitution in shaping the framework of our government and protecting our rights.
  • Ask the students to reflect on what they learned during the lesson and how they can apply this knowledge to their own lives.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their understanding of the material.
  • Collect the students' written work and review it to assess their ability to explain the importance of the Constitution in a real-world context.

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