Reproduction In Plants

Topic: Reproduction in Plants

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe and provide examples of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants.


  • Pictures or videos of plants undergoing sexual or asexual reproduction
  • Pen and paper for each student
  • Internet access for research (optional)


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a plant grow or reproduce before.
  • Ask them to describe what they saw and how the plant did this.
  • Discuss their answers and clarify any misconceptions.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of reproduction in plants. Explain that plants have different ways of reproducing, including seeds, spores, and bulbs.
  • Show the students various types of seeds, including those of different plants and fruits. Ask them to identify and name the different seeds.
  • Demonstrate how to plant a seed, either in a pot or in the ground. Explain the importance of proper soil and environmental conditions for the seed to grow.

Guided Practice

  • Provide the students with a variety of seeds and a set of pots or small planters. Have them work in small groups to plant the seeds and provide proper care for them, such as watering and fertilizing as needed.
  • Assist the students as needed, while also providing feedback and encouragement.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students continue to care for the plants, monitoring their growth and observing any changes or signs of reproduction (e.g. the appearance of flowers or fruit).
  • Encourage the students to record their observations in a journal or other recording format.


  • Review the process of reproduction in plants and the importance of it to the survival of the species.
  • Ask the students to share their observations and insights regarding the reproduction of the plants they have been caring for.
  • Remind the students that caring for plants and observing their growth and development can be a great way to learn about the process of reproduction in plants.


  • Observe the students as they conduct the experiment and observe their understanding of the process of reproduction in plants.
  • Collect and review the observations and notes the students have made during the observation period.
  • Ask the students to present their findings in a group discussion or written report.

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