Free 8th Grade Graduation Of Elements Properties In The Modern Periodic Table Lesson Plan

Topic: Modern periodic table , classification of elements, properties and uses of elements in the modern periodic table

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe the modern periodic table and its classification system.
  • Students will be able to identify the properties and uses of the elements in the modern periodic table.


  • Copies of the modern periodic table
  • Handouts with information about the properties and uses of the elements
  • Pencils and paper for note-taking


  • Have students draw a simple periodic table with the elements arranged in alphabetical order. Ask them to label the different columns (e.g. common, rare, noble gases) and rows (e.g. alkali metals, halogens, noble gases).
  • Ask students to share what they know about the periodic table. Write their responses on the board.
  • Ask students to share any practical applications they know of for elements in the periodic table. Write their responses on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the periodic table and its history.
  • Show the students a copy of the periodic table and explain the different regions, elements, and properties.
  • Explain the modern arrangement of elements based on atomic number and atomic size.
  • Explain the practical applications of elements in the periodic table.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to research and record the atomic number, atomic mass, and name of one element in each region of the modern periodic table.
  • Have students present their findings to the class and discuss the differences and similarities among the elements.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create a poster that illustrates and labels the elements in one region of the modern periodic table.
  • Students should include the atomic number, atomic mass, and name of each element in their poster.
  • Encourage students to be creative and use color in their posters.


  • Review the main points of the lesson, including the modern periodic table and the graduation of atomic size in the modern periodic table.
  • Ask students to share what they learned in the lesson and how they can use this knowledge in the future.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and grade the worksheets and other written work completed during the lesson.
  • Administer a quiz or test at a later date to assess students' knowledge of the material.

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