Faults And Earthquakes Lesson Plan for 8th Grade Example Students

Topic: Faults and Earthquakes

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand how faults can generate earthquakes
  • Explain how different types of faults can cause different types of earthquakes


  • Diagrams of different types of faults (strike-slip, thrust, normal, etc.)
  • Model of a fault plane
  • Manikin or puppet representing a house on a fault plane
  • Small objects representing earthquake magnitude (e.g. paperclips, beads, coins)
  • Markers or colored pencils for drawing diagrams


  • Ask students what they know about earthquakes and faulting. Write their responses on the board.
  • Ask students if they have ever experienced an earthquake and what it was like. Listen carefully to their responses and use their experiences as a way of introducing the topic of faulting and earthquakes.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students the models or illustrations of faults and earthquakes and explain how these features contribute to earthquakes.
  • Discuss how movements along faults generate earthquakes by releasing energy stored in the rocks.
  • Emphasize that different types of faults and their characteristics can influence the size and intensity of earthquakes.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to create a chart or poster that compares and contrasts different types of faults and their characteristics.
  • Provide guidance as needed to help students with the research and creation of the chart or poster.

Independent Practice

  • Have students use the information they gathered during the guided practice to complete their project. This could be a poster, a presentation, or a written report.


  • Give students time to share their projects with the class.
  • Review the key points of the lesson: how faults generate earthquakes, the different types of earthquakes, and how we can prepare for them.
  • Encourage students to continue learning about earthquakes and how to stay safe in case of a earthquake.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concepts.
  • Collect and review their projects for accuracy and completeness.

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