8th Grade Comet Lesson Plan

Topic: Introduction to Comets

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the composition and structure of a comet, its parts and its place on the solar system


  • Images of comets
  • Diagrams of comets' structure
  • Handouts with information about comet
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Computer with internet connection for research


  • Ask the students if they have ever heard of comets. Ask them to share their knowledge about comets.
  • Show the students images of comets and ask them to describe what they see.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a comet and its role in the solar system. Explain that comets are small objects that orbit the Sun and have a tail of gas and dust that extends away from the Sun.
  • Explain the composition of comets, including the dust, ice, and gases that make up the comet's body.
  • Discuss the parts of a comet, including the head, the tail, and the coma (the fuzzy area surrounding the head).
  • Describe how a comet is formed, including the role of the solar wind, the Sun's radiation, and the gravitational pull of the planets.
  • Explain the place of a comet in the solar system, including its orbit and its relationship to the planets.

Guided Practice

  • Provide the students with a diagram of a comet and have them label the head, tail, coma, and other features.
  • Have the students work in pairs to create a chart that compares the characteristics of comets and asteroids.
  • Have the students research one specific comet and present their findings to the class, including information about the comet's orbit, composition, and any notable features.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students use a planetscope or binoculars to observe a nearby comet (i.e. Halley's Comet).
  • Have the students create a poster or presentation about their comet observation, including information about the comet's appearance, location, and any unique characteristics.


  • Review the main points of the lesson with the students.
  • Ask the students to share their comet observations and what they learned about comets.


  • Observation of the comet during the lesson.
  • Completion of the worksheet.
  • Discussion during the closure activity.

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