8th Grade Atmospheric Layers Lesson Plan

Topic: Types of atmospheric layers and their functions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the different atmospheric layers and their functions.
  • Students will be able to describe the characteristics of each atmospheric layer.


  • The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere and contains approximately 80% of the total mass of Earth's atmosphere. The troposphere contains mostly air, but a small amount of water vapor and pollutants can be found here as well.
  • The stratosphere is found above the troposphere and contains less air than the troposphere, but it contains the ozone layer, which is important for shielding Earth from harmful UV radiation.
  • The mesosphere is located above the stratosphere and contains even less air than the stratosphere.
  • The thermosphere is the highest layer of the atmosphere and contains the majority of Earth's auroras.

Make Team Work Activity

  • Divide the class into teams and give each team a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil.
  • Give each team a different atmospheric layer (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere) and ask them to draw how their layer looks.
  • Each team will then present their layer to the rest of the class and explain their layer's characteristics.
  • After all the teams have presented their layers, the class can vote on the best one.
  • After the votes are counted, give each team a new atmospheric layer and repeat the exercise.
  • This activity can reinforce the learning and understanding of the different atmospheric layers.


  • The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere and contains approximately 80% of the total mass of Earth's atmosphere. The troposphere contains mostly air, but a small amount of water vapor and pollutants can be found here as well.
  • The stratosphere is found above the troposphere and contains less air than the troposphere, but it contains the ozone layer, which

Table of Contents


Objectives & Outcomes


Make Team Work Activity


Lesson Plan Template


Welcome the students to the lesson and explain the purpose of the lesson, which is to learn about the various layers of the atmosphere.

  • Introduce the concept of atmospheric layers and their names.
  • Show a diagram of the layers of the atmosphere and explain the function of each layer.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding the different layers of the atmosphere in weather forecasting and climate studies.
  • Ask the students to take notes on the introduction.

Objectives & Outcomes

After completing the introduction, review the objectives and outcomes of the lesson.

  • The objectives of the lesson are to learn about the types of atmospheric layers and their functions.
  • The outcomes of the lesson are to be able to name and describe the layers of the atmosphere.
  • Content
  • Present the content on each of the layers of the atmosphere, starting with the lowest layer and working up to the highest layer.
  • For each layer, introduce the name and description, and provide some examples and illustrations.
  • Use the handouts and other materials as a guide.
  • Make Team Work Activity
  • In this activity, the students will work in teams to brainstorm and list the names and functions of the various layers of the atmosphere.
  • Divide the students into teams and give them a few minutes to brainstorm.
  • Then, have each team present their list to the class.
  • As a class, review the lists and correct any mistakes.
  • Summarize the activity by highlighting the names and functions of the layers of the atmosphere.
  • Finalize the list and give it to the students to take home and review.
  • Summary
  • Begin the summary by thanking the students for their attention and effort during the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding the different layers of the atmosphere in weather forecasting and climate studies.
  • Re-emphasize the names and functions of the layers of the atmosphere.
  • Wrap up the lesson by extending thanks and dismissal.
  • Lesson Plan Template
  • Introduction: _________________________________________
  • Objectives & Outcomes: _________________________________________
  • Content: _________________________________________
  • Make Team Work Activity: _________________________________________
  • Summary: _________________________________________
  • References: _________________________________________
  • Copyright © 2017 by Daniel Tan - All rights reserved.

This document is free for non-commercial use only.

Please contact me if you wish to use this material for educational purposes.

Email: dantan91@gmail.com

Guided Practice

Begin the guided practice by reviewing the names and functions of the layers of the atmosphere.

  • Have the students work in pairs and give each pair a set of flashcards with the names of the layers of the atmosphere on one side and their functions on the other side.
  • Have the students take turns presenting a flashcard to their partner and having them identify the layer and explain its function.
  • Go through all the flashcards and have the students practice identifying the layers and explaining their functions.
  • As a class, go over any mistakes and have the students practice again if necessary.

Independent Practice

For the independent practice, have the students work in groups to create a model of the atmosphere using a cardboard box, tissue paper, and poster paint.

  • Give each group a cardboard box and have them cut holes in the sides to represent the sun and horizon.
  • Give each group a sheet of tissue paper and have them use poster paint to color it blue, to represent the atmosphere.
  • Have the students use the tissue paper to cover the inside of the cardboard box, and use the poster paint to add layers to their model of the atmosphere, representing the different layers.
  • As they are working, have the students share their progress with the rest of the class and answer any questions they have.


At the end of the lesson, have the students share their completed model with the rest of the class.

  • Ask the students to share what they learned about the different layers of the atmosphere and how they were able to represent them using a cardboard box and tissue paper.


  • Observe the students during the model-making and group-work activities.
  • Ask the students to complete a worksheet with questions about the different layers of the atmosphere and the roles they play in Earth’s climate.
  • Review the students’ completed models and class participation during the lesson for understanding and retention of the material.

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