Free Finding The Main Idea In Texts Lesson Plan for 8th Grade Students

Topic: Finding the Main Idea in Texts

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the main idea of a given text.
  • Students will be able to explain the main idea of a given text with clarity and precision.


  • Variety of different texts (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, articles, poems, speeches, etc.)
  • Handouts with guiding questions for each text
  • Writing materials (e.g. paper, pencils, pens)


  • Have students work in pairs to find the main idea of a given text. Give each pair a different text to read and then ask them to discuss and come to a consensus on what the main idea is.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the main idea as the central idea or theme of a text.
  • Distribute the handout with examples of main ideas for different types of text.
  • Have students work in pairs to identify the main idea of a given text, using the handout as a guide.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to identify the main idea of a given text, using the handout as a guide.
  • As a class, discuss the main ideas found and how they support the central idea of the text.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a text of their own to analyze for its main idea.
  • Have them create a graphic organizer to show how the main idea supports the central idea of the text.
  • Have students present their graphic organizers to the class, explaining how the main idea supports the central idea of the text.


  • Review the steps for finding the main idea in a text.
  • Ask students to share any strategies they found particularly helpful for identifying the main idea in a text.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concept.
  • Collect and review their written work for evidence of understanding.

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