Numeros Con Signo Lesson Plan for 8th Grade Students

Topic: Numeros con signo

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use the laws of signs to manipulate positive and negative numbers and determine the sign of a given number.


  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handouts with examples of positive and negative numbers and their corresponding signs


  • Review the concept of integers and their corresponding signs (positive, negative, zero).
  • Ask students to provide examples of integers and their corresponding signs.
  • Write their responses on the board or chalkboard.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of positive and negative integers and their corresponding signs.
  • Use the handouts to review the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers with the corresponding signs.
  • Ask students to work through a few examples to practice these rules.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of problems to work on together.
  • Have students work through the problems together, discussing and explaining their answers as they go.
  • Encourage students to use the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers with the corresponding signs to solve the problems.

This activity provides students with practice applying the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers with the corresponding signs.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity in which they use the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers with the corresponding signs to solve real-life problems.
  • One idea could be for students to come up with a scenario in which they need to add or subtract positive and negative integers, and then write a short paragraph explaining the scenario and how they used the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers with the corresponding signs to solve it.


  • Review the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative integers with the corresponding signs.
  • Ask students to share any insights or learning surprises they had during the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and discussion and make note of which laws they are able to use correctly and apply to a variety of problems.
  • Evaluate students' independent practice projects for their ability to correctly apply the laws of addition and subtraction with corresponding signs, as well as for the clarity and completeness of their explanations.

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