8th Grade Irrational Numbers Lesson Plan Example (Math)

Topic: Irrational numbers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand what irrational numbers are and how they are represented
  • Be able to solve simple problems involving irrational numbers


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with examples of irrational numbers and problems for solving
  • Calculator (optional)


  • Ask the students if they have heard of the concept of irrational numbers before.
  • Ask them to give an example of an irrational number.
  • Write the numbers 0.333... on the board and ask the students to explain why they think this number is irrational.

Direct Instruction

  • Define the term "irrational number" and explain that it is a number that cannot be written as a fraction.
  • Explain that there are different types of irrational numbers, including:
  • Numbers that cannot be written as a fraction: These are numbers that cannot be written as a fraction, such as the number 0.333..., which cannot be written as a fraction because the decimal repeats forever (333...).
  • Numbers that can be written as a fraction but have non-terminating decimals: These are numbers that can be written as a fraction, but the decimals do not terminate (i.e. they go on forever without repeating). An example of this is the fraction 5/3, whose decimals are 0.666...
  • Numbers that cannot be written as a fraction or have non-terminating decimals: These are numbers that cannot be written as a fraction or have non-terminating decimals, such as the square root of 2, which is not a fraction (because it is irrational) and has non-terminating decimals (because it is irrational).
  • Explain that irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction because they do not have a finite or repeating decimal.
  • Explain that there are many different types of irrational numbers and give examples of each type.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a handout with examples of fractions and irrational numbers and ask them to classify each example as a fraction or an irrational number.
  • Ask students to share their answers with a partner and discuss any questions or mistakes they have.
  • As a class, review the examples and discuss why they are classified as a fraction or an irrational number.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a worksheet with examples of fractions and irrational numbers and ask them to classify each example on their own.
  • Encourage students to use their understanding of fractions and irrational numbers to solve the problems on the worksheet.
  • Ask students to turn in their worksheets and review the answers as a class.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: the concept of fractions and how to convert between fractions and
  • irrational numbers.
  • Ask students to share any questions or thoughts they have about the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the
  • concepts.
  • Collect and grade the completed worksheets to assess students' ability to apply their understanding of converting
  • fractions to irrational numbers and vice versa.
  • Administer a quiz at a future date to assess students' retention of the material.

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